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Hello and welcome to, Free Spirit Healer.


With the more and more people that are taking an interest in me and the work I do. I feel like it’s important for all of you to hear my story, and what made me decide to follow my passion.


It’s been quite a hard and emotional journey for me and my family, but it has taught me so much. It has enhanced my gifts and with that, I want to be able to help as many people as I can. 

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My Story

The Accident

I knew I possessed gifts from a very young age. Then when I was 25, those gifts would soon amplify. The reason was, I was in a devastating car crash at 25. My Co-worker and I were at a light when suddenly, this big SUV truck was speeding and headed towards us. I swung the wheel to try and turn the car so that the SUV would just hit the rear. This didn’t work out, however, as the SUV smashed into the the front passenger side of the vehicle, and hit multiple other vehicles in the process. 


My friend was knocked out due to the airbag hitting her. I was conscious, as my arm got the force of the airbag since I was trying to turn the wheel of the car. I tried to twist myself to be able to support her head to open up her airways, not knowing at the time how injured I was. Being conscious the entire time, I could see some of the severe injuries I sustained. As I tried to look around for my phone to call 9-1-1, I could see that my foot was up and into my shin. I have some medical knowledge, so I threw everything that I knew into the situation to try and help us both get out of this situation with our lives. When the ambulance finally came, they didn’t know the full severity of my injuries. They strapped me on a board, and one strap was over my ribs which were broken, and one around my hip which was also severely injured. 

At the Hospital

Later at the hospital, I found out that my hip and ribs were broken, and my femur was forced into my hip from the crash, and there was internal bleeding. I was in so much pain at the time, it was unimaginable. They tried to give me blood transfusions, but my body was rejecting them. Before this, I have never even broken a bone before. Now, my whole body was screaming in pain as the doctors panicked and rushed to work on my body. During this time, I died multiple times.


We’ve seen on T.V. shows or videos of people’s personal experiences with dying and being brought back to life. I have my experience too. The first time I died, it was very cold and dark at first. Then there was this warm and welcoming light. It felt so peaceful and inviting to me. It was so loving, and I didn’t have to walk to it. It came to me. In this state, I was no longer in excruciating pain. 


My younger sister was there to greet me, along with a man. We talked, and the man said that I wasn’t on the right path. That I had to go back and fight. I didn’t want to go back at first though. Going back meant being in so much pain and being brought back to a world of uncertainty and tiresome work. I also met a nurse that nobody else saw or heard of. She said to me, “The pain that you’re enduring, the pain you’re going through and continue to go through, is going to be 110 times worse than childbirth. But, there’s a purpose behind it. In order to further your path and help others, you need to know what these things felt like.” I needed to know what those things felt like so I could heal. So fighting for my life is what I did. The doctors told me I had to make the decision on whether or not they could amputate my leg. It wasn’t that hard of a decision for me to make. What’s worth more, my life, or a limb? 

Road to Recovery

The road to recovery was hard, but I’m a resilient woman, and I wasn’t going to let anyone stop me from living my life. The doctors told me that I would never walk again. When my mom heard this, she said to me, “Don’t you let them tell you what you can or can’t do.” 


Once I was released from the hospital, I started to notice more paranormal activity around me. I was in the living room while my mom was upstairs resting, and as soon as I touched the coffee table, a giant heavy picture frame with a picture of my sister in it flew off the wall and started bouncing all over the living room. I knew that my sister was trying to communicate with me. 


We used to have this doorbell that would light up. I used this as a divination tool to communicate with my sister. 1 light-up meant yes, 2 light-up meant no, and no light-up

meant maybe. So I would talk to my sister this way. I even have pictures of us together, as she was seen as an aura. It was comforting to know that I had my sister with me to get through these tough times. It goes to show that even though our loved ones may have moved on from this realm, it doesn’t mean they’ve moved on from helping and loving you. 

Sharing my Gifts and Helping Others

I knew that I was meant to share my gifts with others and help them, whether it’s through tough times, communicating with a loved one, or simply seeking guidance or clarification. That’s why I decided to start my own business. This way, I can reach so many people and help them. 

We are all human beings, we are all here on this planet together. Even though in some ways we differ from one another, we are more alike than different. We all feel, we all go through emotions. We are all trying to figure out our place and purpose in life. We all have a heart and we all love. So why not help each other out?

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